Thursday, November 5, 2009


That question refers to all the Holidays coming up, especially Christmas. Well I did buy cards for the Holiday I figure I will get them done early, HA! Well maybe I will surprise myself and get it done. I think we only have about 40 days til Christmas, when I hear that it scares me. Soooo much to do and so little time. Well it's plenty of time if you're a fast mover and shaker, but for some reason as we get older it does take longer to do things, I'm not sure if it's because we don't have to go to work and we think we have tomorrow or we are just plain slower. Well anyway you look at it, I still love this time of the year and all the shopping and eating, and eating. All the yummy cookies and candies, the bright colors, the kids saying I WANT THAT when ever a advertisement comes on TV. I love that people take the time to get together to just be together and eat, drink and be merry, not too merry! I have lot's of planning to do so I will get moving on. Happy Thanksgiving to all!