Here we are in Hugo around the fire.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
After worrying so much about spending Christmas Eve without my family, it turned out great! We left at noon and the roads were clear as ever. God bless the DNR they do such a wonderful job. We had fun and ate really well, Some of the family went out to have a snowball fight and build a fire in the fire pit, it was beautiful with the huge fire and big snowflakes falling. Christmas Day was a nice peaceful day doing nothing. Next is New Years Eve, that will also be very quiet around here, our party days are long over with.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Here it is, one day before Christmas eve and the weather is getting bad already. I think everyone here is trying to decide should we keep our plans or just decide that this Christmas we won't all be together on Christmas Eve. I'm sitting here writing and getting very sad. This will be the first Christmas Eve that we haven't been together. So I'm hoping the weather guys are wrong again. This year will be the first time in many years that we will not be hosting on Christmas Eve. My daughter just bought a new bigger house and wanted to have it there, I was very excited about this new plan, but I don't think it will happen for us, we are 47 miles from her and in a beastly snow storm it won't be safe, so we will play it by ear and wait and see. I will update about all this when we know how the weather treats us.
Monday, December 7, 2009
I have been reading lot's of Blogs lately and there are some really great one's out there. I tend to like the foody ones but I also have some I like that are very helpful. A couple of my favorite food one's are: All about cakes and Cinnamon spice and everything nice. The ones that really help me out are: Mikes blog marketing tips, and Doing business.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Jingle all the way home with only jingling change in your pocket after a day shopping for Christmas, but I am missing the snow, yes I said snow! Lot's of people don't want it yet (or never) I love it, that's why I love Minnesota, great changing seasons. There is a problem about the Holiday's though....THE FATTENING WONDERFUL FOOD! I will start baking and eating and baking, my husband is now the Rosette Maker in this house, something I never dreamed he would do. One less thing for me to do so you rock Bob! And they are very tasty. The tree goes up tomorrow, and that makes it all real. If I could I would leave the tree up always because I love sitting at night here with the only light is coming from the tree. I'm wishing everyone a great and Happy Holiday...Peace be with you all.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
That question refers to all the Holidays coming up, especially Christmas. Well I did buy cards for the Holiday I figure I will get them done early, HA! Well maybe I will surprise myself and get it done. I think we only have about 40 days til Christmas, when I hear that it scares me. Soooo much to do and so little time. Well it's plenty of time if you're a fast mover and shaker, but for some reason as we get older it does take longer to do things, I'm not sure if it's because we don't have to go to work and we think we have tomorrow or we are just plain slower. Well anyway you look at it, I still love this time of the year and all the shopping and eating, and eating. All the yummy cookies and candies, the bright colors, the kids saying I WANT THAT when ever a advertisement comes on TV. I love that people take the time to get together to just be together and eat, drink and be merry, not too merry! I have lot's of planning to do so I will get moving on. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I can't believe the wonderful weather here in Minnesota, lot's of sunshine and warmth. We need rain but i'm sure it will get here sooner or later. Friday i'm going to the Como Park Zoo with a friend I use to work with, I can hardly wait, I haven't been over that way for quite a while. It's a wonderful Zoo, so if any of you get to Minnesota check it out. I have been learning so much from all you smart bloggers out there, lot's of great ideas to get things rolling and making this more interesting. I have seen so many beautiful Blogs I have to try and get mine more appealing. Keep up the good work out there helping us that need it. Have a great day!
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